Dish-pit Platitudes

Do we barter with God for our lives when we are born? I lived the first month of my life in an neonatal incubator. Can I even fathom what my immortal soul offered to God to taste life for the first or maybe the ten thousandth time?

Dialouges from “The Chronicle of the Mother” #2

Here lies my personal account of a speech given to the 1st Legion by the Champion of the 1st, before his rise to Praetorship. Before his name was written in stars and sprinkled across the galaxy like dust, and the fate he created clogged the lungs of the galaxy. I record this event simply so … Continue reading Dialouges from “The Chronicle of the Mother” #2


Tonight, I wish I could gift unto you the power of deepest conviction. I exist. My body burns with life and that is enough. There is not a thing beyond you, because you exist. How is it that you cannot see that simply being itself is an act of utmost divinity. We change fate everywhere … Continue reading Existance

Dialogues from “The Chronicle of the Mother”

Here in lies an excerpt from "The Chronicle of the Mother" a historical recording of the life and events of the first two sovereigns to control an entire galaxy. This is believed to have taken place in the year 2987, two years after the beginning of Invictus' Praetorship, and 5 years into Empress Mania's reign. … Continue reading Dialogues from “The Chronicle of the Mother”

Gothic Appalachia #1

"How could you ever hate living here?" A new coworker asked incredulously "It's a shit town riddled with mediocrity and rotting in the mire of its own archiac history." I replied, as my manager pointed to me and exclaimed "Yes! That exactly." "Guess those of us that didn't grow up here appreciate it more than … Continue reading Gothic Appalachia #1

A Villian’s Monolouge #4

"What if I sin? Have not all of you sinned? Do we not sin, by our very being? Our very existence is a mockery of balance and harmony. We are a dystopian conglomerate of chaos and sheer will, spot welded into blood thirsty, ambitious humanity." "I have no fear though. Am I not human also? … Continue reading A Villian’s Monolouge #4

A Villian’s Monolouge #3

"Foolish beings. I am Adishvar - Fatewalker, Architect of Reality, the First Archwizard. You now desecrate my tomb, laced in greed and vile confidence. Have you ever tasted undeath mortals? Know that I quaff it from the source. I have seen this existence in its entirety and I have breathed deep the vapors of transcendent … Continue reading A Villian’s Monolouge #3

Nothing Last Forever?

"Nothing last forever" or so I've been told. Perhaps you've heard it, but do you really think it's true? I asked you once, "If you could stop and watch any moment in history what would it be?" I think we both agreed, the Fall of Man was the most interesting and possibly critical moment in … Continue reading Nothing Last Forever?


One of my first memories is of the wind rushing over me, as I used the hallway as my personal drag strip. Even then, merely a child, I knew I loved to run. It was exhilarating. I never realized, until today, why I endured and fought. Sometimes conquered and sometimes failed. I dedicated my entire … Continue reading Alive

A Villian’s Monologue #2

"Tell me, Are we plauge or parasite? Do you believe in divine right? Where we handed a gavel at humanities beginning, to beat down judgment upon the world's and races we where demanded by providence to conquer? Foolish warrior, Ruler of the galaxies greatest empire. You sit on a throne of bodies, cemented and cast … Continue reading A Villian’s Monologue #2